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    $47 USD per month.

    Special Offer: 1 private class the first month with your subscription.

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    6 months Subscription

    $235/6 Months

    Special Offer: 2 private classes the first month with your subscription.

    $235 USD every 6 months. You get 6 months for the cost of 5, saving a total of $47 USD.

    You can cancel any time before due date with no additional or hidden fees.

    12 months Subscription

    $470/12 Months

    Special Offer: 3 private classes the first month with your subscription.

    $470 USD every 12 months. You get 12 months for the cost of 10, saving a total of $94 USD.

    You can cancel any time before due date with no additional or hidden fees.
    What is SpanishUp2U?

    A streaming service for language immersion, created and produced by native Latin-Americans teachers, engineers and hosts.

    Without ads or no fillers, only well created original content.