100% Free live virtual workshop.

Easy Spanish in Paradise: A Year-End Cultural Immersion Masterclass

Feeling tired of not being able to communicate with your Latin-American neighbors? Discover how you can improve your Spanish and beat your translator, grab your spot!

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October 21, 2023
10:00 AM (Pacific Time)
Free virtual workshop 100% live

Have you ever been frustrated by not being able to communicate with your neighbor or carry your translator everywhere you go? Then this event is perfect for you!

What will you learn in this exclusive workshop?

We will dive into the beauty and diversity of the different accents, customs and traditions that characterize this region, join us and discover how Spanish can open doors to new opportunities in your life!

This webinar is ideal especially for those who plan to visit or already live in Latin America. No matter how the year is coming to an end, it's never too late to start learning Spanish!

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to learn and connect with Latin America! Register now and secure your place in our exciting webinar!

Practicing Spanish in online workshops with like-minded friends and the guidance of a teacher facilitates language acquisition.

What are actual students saying about our program?

Don't miss this oportunity and see what you're missing until now!

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