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    Leonora Carrington

    Leonora Carrington fue una de las artistas más prominentes del movimiento surrealista. Hizo pintura, escultura, grabado textil, joyería; y escribió dramaturgia, novela, y cuento. Se relacionó con los artistas surrealistas más destacados de su época, entre ellos Max Ernst, Remedios Varo, André Breton y Luis Buñuel.

    Nació en 1917 en Lancashire, Inglaterra, Carrington creció rodeada de mitos celtas. Se los contaban su madre Maureen Moorhead, su abuela y su nana, todas ellas irlandesas. Entre otras cosas, le hablaban de las antiguas razas míticas de Irlanda.

    Su padre, Harold Wilde Carrington, era en cambio un exitoso hombre de negocios, quien se oponía férreamente a la fantasía y a los intereses artísticos de su hija. Lo que él esperaba era que, después debutara con un baile en el lujoso hotel Ritz de Londres, y fuera presentada en la corte Real de Jorge V, Leonora encontraría un esposo y un futuro cómodo entre las altas clases sociales. Pero no sería así. Como su padre, Leonora poseía un carácter inquebrantable.


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    Leonora Carrington

    Leonora Carrington was one of the prominent artists of the surrealist movement. She did painting, sculpture, textile engraving, jewelry; and wrote plays, novels, and short stories. She was associated with the most prominent surrealist artists of her time, among them Max Ernst, Remedios Varo, André Breton and Luis Buñuel.

    Born in 1917 in Lancashire, England, Carrington grew up surrounded by Celtic myths. She was told them by her mother Maureen Moorhead, her grandmother and her nanny, all of them Irish. Among other things, they told her about the ancient mythical races of Ireland.

    Her father, Harold Wilde Carrington, on the other hand, was a successful businessman, who was fiercely opposed to his daughter's fantasy and artistic interests. What he hoped was that, after making her debut with a ball at the luxurious Ritz Hotel in London, and being presented at the Royal Court of George V, Leonora would find a husband and a comfortable future among the upper social classes. But it was not to be. Like her father, Leonora possessed an unbreakable character.


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