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Día Mundial de los animales El 4 de octubre se celebra el Día Mundial de los Animales en conmemoración de San Francisco de Asís. Este santo, que nació en 1182 en Italia, dejó la enseñanza de la conexión entre todos los seres vivos. Debemos comprender cuál es nuestro lugar en la tierra, pues el bienestar de los humanos está unido al bienestar de todos los animales y delmedio ambiente. San Francisco era hijo de una familia de comerciantes y en su juventud vivió como todos los jóvenes de su clasederrochando el dinero. Luego es tomado prisionero en unaguerra y durante sucautiverio tiene experiencias espirituales y cambia su forma de ser. End of free content. |
World Animal Day On October 4, World Animal Day is celebrated in commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi. This saint, who was born in 1182 in Italy, left the teaching of the connection between all living beings. We must understand our place on earth, for the welfare of humans is linked to the welfare of all animals and the environment. Saint Francis was the son of a family of merchants, and in his youth he lived like all young people of his class, wasting money. Later he is taken prisoner in a war and during his captivity he has spiritual experiences and changes his way of being. He created religious orders (religious groups) like the Franciscans or the Poor Clares that are characterized by an austere, spiritual life, helping the poor and in contact with nature. Pope Francis took his name in their honor. The Franciscan order was one of the first to arrive in America and through the missions they spread their ideas throughout the continent. End of free content. |