
    Materiales: 4 tarugos de madera (palos largos).
    2 metros de estambre el color de tu elección.
    Una fotografía o lienzo para colocar encima.

    Instrucciones: 1) Coloca 2 palos juntos en punta dejando que crucen un poco (observa la imagen muestra).
    2) Amarrar con un trozo de estambre.

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    Materials: 4 wooden dowels (long sticks).
    2 meters of yarn in the color of your choice.
    A photograph or canvas to place on top.
    paper clipInstrucciones: 1) Place 2 sticks together on end allowing them to cross a little (see sample picture)
    2) Tie with a piece of yarn.
    3) Put another of the dowels on the ends that were left free, forming a triangle with the 3 sticks.
    4) Tie both ends with more pieces of yarn.
    5) The remaining stick we place it behind the first union of sticks, so that it supports the triangle; guide you in this image:

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