
    Hola nuevamente,
    bueno el día de hoy vamos hacer una libreta o también un cuadernito, entonces yo realizo estos libros por que se los regalo a mis alumnos, este en específico se lo voy a regalar a mi alumno Alan es un niño de 8 años, aquí mismo le pongo unas cositas para que el practique en este caso le pongo ejemplos en donde el tiene que continuar ya sea con las bocales o con otro tipo de cosas, también le pongo los saludos u otro tipo de cosas, en este caso le podemos poner cualquier cosa y yo los uso principalmente para mis clases de español pero ustedes lo pueden usar para lo que quieran y lo pueden usar principalmente para los niños.

    Bueno es hora de enseñarles como se hace este pequeño libro que consistirá en usar una pequeña hoja y lo que vamos hacer será doblarla primero a la mitad y después la doblamos así y una vez que ya están dobladas las vamos a cortar para sacar 4 tiras de este modo, y cuando las tenemos de este modo las vamos a doblar de este modo y justamente yo tenía así entonces las doble a la mitad y otra ves a la mitad de esta manera me quedaron 4 y después las abrí todas de esta manera y las uní una con la otra de esta manera miren,

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    Hello again,
    well today we are going to make a notebook or a little notebook, so I make these books because I give them to my students, this specific one I am going to give to my student Alan is an 8 year old boy, right here I put some little things for him to practice in this case I put examples where he has to continue either with the mouths or with other types of things, I also put the greetings or other types of things, in this case we can put anything and I use them mainly for my Spanish classes but you can use them for whatever you want and you can use them mainly for the students, I also put greetings or other types of things, in this case we can put anything and I use it mainly for my Spanish classes but you can use it for whatever you want and you can use it mainly for the children.

    Well it is time to show you how to make this little book that will consist of using a small sheet and what we are going to do is to fold it first in half and then we fold it like this and once they are already folded we are going to cut them to get 4 strips in this way, and when we have them in this way we are going to fold them in this way and I just had them like this then I folded them in half and again in half in this way I had 4 and then I opened them all in this way and I joined them one with the other in this way look,

    here are all the 4 strips and I was joining them in this way to get to this and now we will use a little bit of resistol to join them and we put it to the second cover to place them in this way and this in this way and so we are placing it like this until we get to the end, Once we have finished gluing the resistol we should have it like this which will be the leaves of the book and once we have it this way we will make the cover of the book and well the first thing we will do is to take the colored sheet and we will fold it in half 3 times and we will only need a square for it and we will fold it in half 3 times.

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