

    2 tazas de lechuga troceada
    300 g de queso panela levemente asado en cubos pequeños
    1 taza de frijol cocido
    2 jitomates en cubos pequeños
    1 1/2 tazas de tiras de tortillas crujientes
    1 chile chipotle
    2 cucharadas de miel
    1 cucharada de mostaza
    2 limones
    1/3 taza de aceite
    Sal y pimienta



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    2 cups of cut lettuce
    11 oz slightly roasted panela cheese in small cubes
    1 cup cooked beans
    2 tomatoes in small cubes
    1 avocado in small cubes
    1 1/2 cups crispy tortilla strips
    1 chipotle chile
    2 tablespoons honey
    1 tablespoon of mustard
    2 lemons
    1/3 cup oil
    Salt and pepper.



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