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    Camarones al chile chipotle


    1/2 kilo camarones en mariposa

    1/4 cebolla juliana
    2 chipotles
    1 taza de crema acida
    1 o 2 dientes de ajo finamente picados
    Pimienta y sal al gusto


    Licuar la crema con el chile chipotle y reservar. Sofreír la cebolla en la mantequilla, reservar.

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    Shrimps with chipotle


    1-pound shrimp butterfly cut
    1/4 onion cut julienne
    2 chipotle chilies
    1 cup sour cream
    1 o 2 garlic cloves finely chopped.
    Salt and pepper at taste


    Blend the cream with the chilies and reserve. Fry the onions in the butter and reserve. Add more butter or olive oil and fry the shrimp for about 2 minutes with the garlic, salt and pepper.

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